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September 13, 2022
International NFT Day is September 20: Let's Celebrate Together
International NFT Day is September 20: Let's Celebrate Together

Today, we’re very excited to announce a brand new initiative that spans across the entire Web3 world, International NFT Day. This September 20 marks the five-year anniversary of Flow Chief Architect Dete Shirley publishing ERC-721, which would go on to become the NFT standard. Since then, NFTs have become the lifeblood of communities, innovation, and blockchain adoption. So, this year, we’re supporting the launch of the first-ever NFT Day, a new officially recognized holiday that will celebrate non-fungible tokens across every blockchain. 

NFT Day is meant for everyone, an all-inclusive moment the community can rally around. From creators and collectors, to developers and founders. We believe a moment like this will act as a rising tide that lifts all boats throughout our community. 

Shining the spotlight

NFTs wouldn’t be where they are today without incredible teams leading vibrant communities. We’re shining a spotlight on all of the great things happening around the NFT world by featuring projects that exemplify community and innovation. No matter which blockchain you’re on, if you have something amazing, we’d like to share it with the world on NFT Day. 

NFT Day will feature participation from projects, blockchains, and brands across the industry including OpenSea, Gaia, Flovatar, BuildSpace, Inception Animals, Sturdy Exchange, Krikey, LearnWeb3, This is Epix, CryptoPiggos, TuneGo, and Seussibles.

To have your NFT project and community featured on NFT Day, fill out this form

Coming to a city near you

Connecting with your community gets a little better when you’re doing it over food, drinks, events and having an all-around good time. We’re setting up and supporting events around the globe, all taking place on September 20. 

So far we’ve confirmed the following locations for NFT Day events:

With more to come! We’ve allocated a budget as well to make sure anyone who wants to host and organize an event can do so with the support they need. If you’re interested in hosting an event, we have an interest form right over here for you to fill out.

Twitter takeover

Of course, NFT Day wouldn’t be a thing if we didn’t take over Twitter and make #NFTDay the top trending topic of the day. We believe that Twitter has become the de facto home and melding pot of discussion for the NFT community, where projects share their vision and collectors find their communities.

So, make sure you drop a Happy #NFTDay on social on September 20, start your day with gm #NFTDay with the rest of the community, and help drive some major momentum!

Get your free NFT

We’ll be sharing a free commemorative NFT to celebrate the day! What would NFT Day be without its very own NFT!? We’ll share instructions on how to claim it on September 20, but all you’ll need is a Dapper wallet!

The world's best portal to NFTs

We thought it was important to launch a standalone website for this special day, so we built and launched InternationalNFTDay.org. This site is meant to not only be the primary hub around this new annual holiday, but also a one-stop shop that anyone just hearing about NFTs can learn the basics from. 

It’s critical that “we” all educate those that are on the outside just beginning to look into Web3, so providing educational content that sets a ground-level understanding is key in creating a journey where someone goes from not knowing what an NFT is, to excited about owning their very first one.

The site also provides  key information about what events are being held around NFT Day, NFT projects that want to be represented as part of NFT Day, and highlights partners that are working together to make sure NFT Day is a memorable experience every single year. 

Sail the OpenSea

Speaking of partners, what would NFT Day be without working with the largest open marketplace in Web3, OpenSea? Their team is incredibly excited to help commemorate this day, and we couldn’t be happier about collaborating with them. Stay tuned for more from OpenSea, but when we say this is about celebrating all NFTs, we mean it

We’re also actively reaching out to additional teams to round out what we hope will be an incredible roster of NFT giants working together to make this one of the most memorable days in NFT history.

That’s all folks

Hopefully this has already gotten the community excited about what NFT Day is going to be this year, and what it might be in the future. There will also be plenty of other things going on around the world of NFTs, like giveaways and Twitter Spaces, so stay locked in to your timelines and lets make sure everyone in the world hears us shouting about how much fun we’re having on #NFTDay together.

We’re honored to be able to set the foundation of what will become an annual ceremony for NFTs and invite everyone to join in to help make NFT Day as big and bold as the community it celebrates.