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September 29, 2020
Partner Spotlight: Blocklete Games (Turner Sports)
Partner Spotlight: Blocklete Games (Turner Sports)

Dapper Labs and Blocklete Games, What’s Next for Long-time Friends and Collaborators

Blocklete Games, developed by Turner Sports, is a new online sports video gaming experience that empowers fans to collect, train, trade and compete with unique digital athletes as they earn cash prizes and bragging rights along the way.

You may recognize Blocklete Games as the game formerly known as Arena Golf. New upgrades, and the new name were unveiled just a couple weeks ago. 

What’s the Connection?

Dapper Labs has been working closely with the Blocklete team for most of 2020. You may remember when Arena Golf and CryptoKitties did a mashup to kit-out your golfer with a Kitty Trick. 

Through shared learnings and shared challenges, the Dapper and Blocklete teams have been working together to improve and accelerate, not only in the blockchain space, but through the guidance of Turner Sports, which helps to bring a mainstream view.

What’s Coming Next?

Expect to see new collaborations between the Dapper and Blocklete team, especially in the near-term around Blocklete Golf. There are a variety of fun tournaments and challenges coming from now until year-end and new ways to get involved. 

Exploring Flow as a Solution to Scale 

As part of the on-going relationship, the Blocklete team is exploring Flow as a solution to scale the product to reach mass adoption. Through the technology upgrades that a platform like Flow could bring, married with the reach Turner Sports can provide, Blockletes could be ready to take off. More to come in this area as things progress.

The Blockletes team are active members in Discord https://bit.ly/3gQz9SZ, so don’t hesitate to say hi!